Independent curator
1932年に建てられた京町家建築・The Terminal Kyotoにて開催された、インテクスト(外山央、真下武久、見増勇介)、金澤韻、廣田碧、八木良太によるグループ展。
Kanazawa Kodama 金澤韻, texts from "Decoding Wonders" (2024)
intext, "super reflection (What's the Color of Mirror?)" (2021)
intext, "super reflection (What's the Color of Mirror?)" (2021)
intext, "super reflection (What's the Color of Mirror?)" (2021)
intext, "super reflection (What's the Color of Mirror?)" (2021)
Hirota Midori 廣田碧 and Okazaki Yuji 岡崎裕司, "回転A看板 (Revolving A-frame Sign)" (2017).
Yagi Lyota 八木良太, untitled (2006)
Kanazawa Kodama 金澤韻, texts from "Decoding Wonders" (2024)
Hirota Midori 廣田碧 and Iwata Takuro 岩田拓朗, "新宿 (Shinjuku)" (2020)
Yagi Lyota 八木良太, "Die Verwandlung" (2014)
Kanazawa Kodama 金澤韻, texts from "Decoding Wonders" (2024)
Yagi Lyota 八木良太, "Ishihara Plate No.19" (2016)
Kanazawa Kodama 金澤韻, texts from "Decoding Wonders" (2024)
intext, "ilo" (2012)
intext, "ilo" (2012)
Kanazawa Kodama 金澤韻, texts from "Decoding Wonders" (2024)
Yagi Lyota 八木良太, "CODE&DECODE" (2005, 2024)
intext, "reading method (Tower of Babel [English]" (2019)
intext, "dimensional wall" "dimensional wall (book)", (2018-)
intext, "dimensional wall (book)", (2018-)
Kanazawa Kodama 金澤韻, texts from "Decoding Wonders" (2024)
Yagi Lyota 八木良太, "Ringwanderung" (2012)
Yagi Lyota 八木良太, "生成AIは月に兎をみるか? Do generative AI see a rabbit on the moon?" (2024)
Hirota Midori 廣田碧 and Yamamoto Yuichi, "ピンクの湯 (Pink Bath)" "ガラスの湯 (Glass Bath)" (2020)
The Terminal Kyoto