Double Annual 2024: A Horse from a Gourd – The Creativity of Incongruity 2024

An intramural selected exhibition of Kyoto University of the Arts and Tohoku University of Art & Design.

Exhibition - The National Art Center, "「 」空き地 (Vacant Lot)" Photo. Gu Kenryou

Kawaguchi Genta 川口源太, "Vegetable scape idea" Photo. Gu Kenryou

Yokota Yugo 横田勇吾, "It’s a dance, it’s a walking, it’s a basketball, it’s a ......" Photo. Gu Kenryou

Morita Shoki 森田翔稀, "いくつかの窓に繋がれた肉 (Meat Connected to Several Windows)" Photo. Gu Kenryou

Zhao Tongyang 趙彤陽, "愛、シミュレーション、脊骨、電子辞書 (Love, simulation, spine, electronic dictionary)" Photo. Gu Kenryou

Tomari 杜鞠, "はみ出すように強く溢れる (Overflowing with intense force)" Photo. Gu Kenryou

Kikuchi Nana 菊池那奈, "私たちの民話 (Our folklore)" Photo. Gu Kenryou

Zhang Jingjing 張京京, "さまよう船(A drifting ship)" Photo. Gu Kenryou

Kimura Akiko 木村晃子, "Golden PET Bottle (黄金のペットボトル)" Photo. Gu Kenryou

Sumitani Bunpei 住谷文兵, "Yoke" Photo. Gu Kenryou

Directors: Kanazawa Kodama and Hattori Hiroyuki
Advisor: Kataoka Mami